Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Lady in London Town

A look at London

I just received my long awaited acceptance letter to BYU's Study abroad program in LONDON! This means that I will become a Lady of London from the middle of June to the middle of August. It's funny to think that six years ago I was strolling around London and Scotland with my mother completely unaware that I'd be returning one day. I remember longing to return with a study abroad program, but I can't believe that this dream has actually become a reality.

London has a special place in my heart. It gave me my very first taste of Europe. I still remember perfectly gazing out the window of the Tube on our way to our hotel from the airport. I saw autumn leaves and black "British" looking cars driving on the opposite side of the street, and I thought to myself "So this is Europe." Since then, I've enjoyed quite the love affair with Europe. I've had the opportunity of returning to Europe twice on various cruises and expeditions since that autumn maiden voyage totalling my number of European Countries visited to an incredible 13! (Although, I only spent a day or two in the majority of those countries)

Is it disgusting or incredible that this will be my third consecutive summer traveling to Europe? I can't decide, but I don't know how I became so lucky as to have the opportunity to travel this much. I have to give a huge shout out to my parents for #1 - birthing me last so that I could have all the travel perks of being the youngest child #2 Instilling in me a passion for travel and learning #3 Supporting me in pursuing my dreams #4 Being willing and able to fund a lot of those dreams! I owe you big time!

So tune in with me this summer for a much more exciting blog about a bright eyed beauty becoming a Lady of London town!

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