Thursday, January 13, 2011

Humanities...what's that?

Some of you may already know that I have decided to major in Humanities with an English emphasis. Upon hearing my major, the most common question people pose is "So what do you want to do with that?" The second most common question is, "So what exactly does that entail?" I am going to answer the latter of the two questions with an excerpt from an essay I read today.

"Humanities ask troubling questions, heighten consciousness, start revolutions in the mind, challenge the status quo, and raise expectations for ourselves and society. The humanities should be cultivated, not for intellectual adornment, even less to legitimate existing social and political institutions, but as instruments of self-discovery, of critical understanding, and creative social imagination" -  Veninga

So take that and add a bunch of art, architecture, literature, history, philosophy, religion, essays, film, music, theatre, and dance, and you've almost grasped the beauty that is my major.

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